Hi, I'm Lance — the person on right (wet after playing in ocean with my friend Kasia). Anyhow, just showing my face so you know who I am, since I'll be the person responding to contact form queries / content submissions. Throughout this site, I share many personal perspectives on life and relationships. Some topics can be a little scary sharing, but for me to be true to the concept that ge.life is a safe place for all, it's imperative I be transparent. Be true to who you are, and peace will fill your life.
A little about me; I'm just a Handyman from a poor family, and still struggling to put food on the table. I was raised in a broken-down old school bus off the grid in Aussie outback, and never graduated High School (so please forgive grammatical mistakes). I moved from Australia to mainland USA years ago, and currently reside in Honolulu, Hawaii. Would love to live off-grid again in the future, away from the city... somewhere beautiful, safe and peaceful. I might build a tiny home on wheels and grow my own food to save money.
Hope you enjoy ge.life as much as I enjoy creating it. Since I mostly work / live in the city, working on ge.life has become my happy place. Take special care of life, and enjoy spreading the gift of kindness. From your new friend, -Lance
When I watched this video, it hit me deep and hard. It was the first time I heard another person sharing the exact feelings I have, regarding my brother's suicide (he drowned himself). Please, if your thoughts have taken you to a dark place, seek help HERE or elsewhere before it is too late.
There are 2 ways to contact ge.life;
1st is to use the contact form at tap of this page (click the Contact ge.life button, and a form will open to write a message / upload any pics or files).
2nd is to leave a voice message up to 5min long. Click the Start recording button near top of this page. You can listen or delete your recording before clicking 'send'. You'll have an option to leave name and email (not required though to leave a voice message). If you leave a voice message that includes a question, then it's recommended you submit an email with your message, so we can reply (you'll see the email option appear before message gets sent).
Don't be shy, leave a voice message... there's something special about hearing a voice in a World dominated by texts! We can reply via a voice message of our own, if it seams appropriate (via a ge.life provided audio link).
I'd love to hear site suggestions you may have, or other feedback regarding your experience on ge.life. This is a safe space, so feel free to be transparent in your communication. I will marinate on all site suggestions with the deepest of respect.
Feel free to use the contact form above for this. You can also upload an image with the quote if you wish. All submitted quotes need to be copyright free or supply author name so we can display it with the quote.*
Sometimes we make mistakes. ge.life wishes to be as accurate as possible with all content presented. Please use the contact form at top of this page, to report any problems.
Most written content was created by myself (site creator), so feel free to use that. It would probably be a good idea to contact me prior though, just to ensure the specific content you are interested in was indeed by me. Please include a description of it's indented use, so we agree in advance that it'll be used for good, not evil :-)
Regarding images / visual media: contact me with specific requests, so I can let you know whether I have the rights to share it, or if it was created with limited usage rights. I enjoy sharing content when possible because it spreads the love, so don't hesitated to inquire.
One act of kindness, two acts of compassion, three acts of mercy, and five acts of love.
Rinse and repeat :-)
vids.life will be submitted videos of kindness, compassion, and mercy, Acts of human gentleness displayed in a transparent way to encourage a more beautiful World. So many amazing acts of beauty and gentleness, organized in an interactive online display. Free for all to enjoy., so please submit videos which has touched your heart, so we may share. Thank you!*
pics.life will be a presentation of real-World people, animals, and nature displaying their raw beauty. User-submitted images of natural moments in time which touch their souls. We'd love to share pics of inner beauty / acts of love, that has been captured. Not always easy to do, so we'd love your help by sharing personal story pics. A single picture can tell an entire story.*
If you would like to be informed when the above new sites are viewable, please click HERE to send us your contact request. Thank you and take care, ge.life.
Proverbs by ge.life
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