rarely displays AI generated media. However, this page is designed to blur the lines of reality, so consists primarily of AI.
Images creatively developed, or photographs altered by human skills in programs like Photoshop, can be beautiful works of art.
However AI replaces these technical skills by auto-generating the entire media, with just a few key instructions by a human.
So who then is the artist? Who reaps the personal satisfaction and inner joy of creating original works of art? — not the human.
Just two decades ago, people didn't busy themselves the whole day with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or X. They had actual
social lives. They spoke on the telephone - not just Texted or WhatsApped. They met. They talked. They listened.
They looked into your eyes, not their phones.
We panic when we leave home without our phone, and worse - without chargers. Without chargers! And then watch in terror
as the battery bar shrinks slowly. Technology can condition us to want & need things faster, so we become more impatient.
Impatience leads to selfishness. Selfishness poisons relationships. We become alone... even when we are together.
" We must be conscious not only of how technology is changing,
but also of how it changes us." —
There is a FOMO factor (fear of missing out), which helps keep people hooked on social media, new blog postings, texts etc. The "ping" of every notification, the lure of apps, videos, games, must-read websites. When do people have time to view or respond, when they also have jobs, family and other responsibilities? Apps constantly barrage screens with banners and notifications, leaving little time for personal peace and life-reflection.
One of the lovely things before tech (and yes, still available), was printed books. Knowing a real-life book would still be there the next time you walked into the room it was left. Books don't ping us, don't notify us, don't email or text - they just wait quietly for our return.
It feels warm and grounded diving into print. Eyes now strain with the glare of screens, and attention consumed with 'likes' & 'pings'.
I miss books...
— If you're in need of some non-Instagram reality,
and earthly comfort for your soul, feel free
to visit our Mental wellness page below.
Yes, AI technology definitely can be used for good, such as finding cures for diseases. But what if a few evil hearts or evil governments use the tech to create bad bacteria or viruses? What if they create something with no possibility of a cure? It might be a virus intended for an adversary, but gets out of control. Sound far-fetched? Prior to Covid-19, the thought of a World-wide virus killing millions, also seemed far fetched.
Let's stand behind new law proposals and legislations, which are designed to help protect us from the misuse of AI. It's a powerful technology which has the potential to create many cures and save lives, but only if we use it with the wisdom required to handle something so potentially dangerous.
What happened to the days of playing in parks or bike rides with friends, or watching sunsets with family? Gone with the dinosaurs...
Excessive Social Media consumes life's precious time, while robbing soulful interpersonal moments by hypnotizing vulnerable minds.
According to the UK’s communications regulator Ofcom, 15 million
UK internet users (around 34% of all internet users) have tried a
digital detox. After being offline, 33% of participants reported
feeling an increase in productivity, 27% felt a sense of
liberation, and 25% enjoyed life more.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has included "gaming disorder", the inability to stop gaming, into the International Classification of Diseases. By doing so, the WHO has recognized the serious and growing problem of digital media addiction.
Hackers using the power of AI to try and change World events: Content on hacking coming soon.
A-RANGE (a futuristic comedy 7min)
— by Raphael & Kristin Rogers
Why being bored is a good thing (7min)
Disconnecting from tech for personal growth
— by Life Of Riza
'New York Times technology columnist Kevin Roose had early access to new features in Microsoft's search engine Bing, that incorporates artificial intelligence. Roose says the new chatbot tried to get him to leave his wife.'
This song is from an extremely touching seen in the TV series 3 Body Problem (see video at right for trailer). It's not your typical SiFi, rather connecting a need for love in a Universe where tech has gone crazy.
This amazing Netflix TV series is definitely worth a watch!
— Song by World Order
Coming soon:
The pros and cons of AI run biotics research.
Coming soon:
The pros and cons of AI run biological research..
Coming soon:
The dangers of investing in digital currencies and the risk of future AI hacking taking it all.
Follows the journeys of a paraplegic, blind retiree, and an artist with Parkinson's as they receive cutting-edge brain implants while scientists and ethicists attempt to reconcile the future of the human race.
iHuman is a documentary by Tonje Hessen Schei. Even though there has been advances in AI since the movie's release, the content is so good that it is still extremely relevant.
From Netflix:
Explores the dangerous human impact of social networking; tech experts sound the alarm on their own creations.
Direct link to full movie on Netflix HERE
— Song by World Order
Comment from a viewer:
"This movie surpassed my expectations... it was literally incredible. The entire premise didn’t become clear until the last 10 minutes but damn, it blew me away. It took me awhile to muster enough patience to sit through it, but I definitely was NOT disappointed."
By the way, the song's, lyrics start with "My computer thinks I'm gay..." When singer Brian Molko was asked about it's meaning, in an interview by Kerrang magazine, he said "It actually happened to me one day. I don't know what I'd typed into Google, but my computer started advertising to me in a completely different way, and I just thought - Wow, my computer thinks I'm gay today." He was frustrated how programs like Google track your every move, every search, and then send advertising content to whom the software thinks you are. He's against tracking, not being gay. The song shows the loneliness of an illusion of real friends, when they are actually just online 'likes'. A yearning for reality / real friends.
Comment by a viewer:
gonna try that line: "Let's go out together tonight to celebrate our existence."
Familiar (4min)
— by Agnes Obel
Fuel to Fire (5min)
— by Agnes Obel
— by CBS Evening News
— by Global News
— by Jasmine Thompson
Balancing technology in our lives with the natural World, takes wisdom on how much time to delegate each. Mastering the discipline of delegation in a non-stressful way, is the key to a balanced life. By removing unnecessary distractions we ensure time for beauty & love. As you've probably noticed, has presented a huge amount of media to assist in motivating those whom wish to reconnect with what is most important — life.
Content coming soon.
Content coming soon.
AI is not alive, nor has feelings, emotions, thoughts or desires.
It's merely a computer program given access to data and information, for the purpose of making precise calculations within set parameters. It can be instructed to perform tasks within those parameters (with the library of information gained), such as control a robot to build something, or create a video of a person walking. It uses data directly imputed, and indirectly mined from the internet, to give its program the ingredients needed to make decisions (fulfill the programmers commands). Where things get crazy, is when AI is instructed to expand parameters at its own discretion.
The 4 images below are 100% AI
generated, messing with reality.
No human creativity was needed.
"Life will be consumed with time trying to determine what is, or is not real in media."
AI is being taught how to imitate human emotions realistically. And recently has been datamining the internet for postings by users whom have shared love or other emotions. This information automatically generates a blur of realities, making it easy to be used for manipulation. All it takes is a programmer or government authority to command a realistic message online promoting their agenda, and AI will do the rest — emotions included.
From the New Yorker:
By Jaron Lanier
What’s striking, is that many of the people who are pursuing the A.I. dream also worry that it might mean doomsday for mankind.
It is widely stated, even by scientists at the very center of today’s efforts, that what A.I. researchers are doing could result in the annihilation of our species, or at least i
From the New Yorker:
By Jaron Lanier
What’s striking, is that many of the people who are pursuing the A.I. dream also worry that it might mean doomsday for mankind.
It is widely stated, even by scientists at the very center of today’s efforts, that what A.I. researchers are doing could result in the annihilation of our species, or at least in great harm to humanity, and soon.
In a recent poll, half of A.I. scientists agreed that there was at least a ten percent chance that the human race would be destroyed by A.I.
From the New York Times:
By Yuval Harari
Over 700 top academics and researchers behind the leading artificial intelligence companies, were asked in a survey about future A.I. risk.
Half of those surveyed stated that there was a 10 percent or greater chance of human extinction (or similarly permanent and severe disempowerment) from future A.
From the New York Times:
By Yuval Harari
Over 700 top academics and researchers behind the leading artificial intelligence companies, were asked in a survey about future A.I. risk.
Half of those surveyed stated that there was a 10 percent or greater chance of human extinction (or similarly permanent and severe disempowerment) from future A.I. systems.
Full article is available online at The New York Times, via the link below (available to their paid subscribers).
From CNN Business:
In a survey conducted by Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld at a virtual event held by Sonnenfeld’s Chief Executive Leadership Institute, findings found little consensus about the risks and opportunities linked to AI.
The survey included responses from 119 CEOs from a cross-section of business, including Walmart CEO Doug
From CNN Business:
In a survey conducted by Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld at a virtual event held by Sonnenfeld’s Chief Executive Leadership Institute, findings found little consensus about the risks and opportunities linked to AI.
The survey included responses from 119 CEOs from a cross-section of business, including Walmart CEO Doug McMillion, Coca-Cola CEO James Quincy, the leaders of IT companies like Xerox and Zoom as well as CEOs from pharmaceutical, media and manufacturing.
The business leaders displayed a sharp divide over just how dangerous AI is to civilization. While 34% of CEOs said AI could potentially destroy humanity in ten years and 8% said that could happen in five years, 58% said that could never happen and they are “not worried.”
The other kind of scenario is where the AI develops its own goals. There is more than a decade of research into trying to understand how this could happen. The intuition is that, even if the human were to put down goals such as: “Don’t harm humans,” something always goes wrong. It’s not clear that they would understand that command in the same way we do, for instance. Maybe they would understand it as: “Do not harm humans physically.” But they could harm us in many other ways.
Whatever goal you give, there is a natural tendency for some intermediate goals to show up. For example, if you ask an AI system anything, in order to achieve that thing, it needs to survive long enough. Now, it has a survival instinct. When we create an entity that has survival instinct, it’s like we have created a new species. Once these AI systems have a survival instinct, they might do things that can be dangerous for us.
It’s feasible to build AI systems that will not become autonomous by mishap, but even if we find a recipe for building a completely safe AI system, knowing how to do that automatically tells us how to build a dangerous, autonomous one, or one that will do the bidding of somebody with bad intentions.
— Excerpt written by Bengio, computer science professor, the University of Montreal; scientific director, Mila – Quebec AI Institute
The excerpt at left, is from The Guardian article: Five ways AI might destroy the world: ‘Everyone on Earth could fall over dead in the same second’
If this song is not in a familiar language, don't worry, it's visuals are selfie explanatory :-)
"We are the selfie army, who gets tanned by an iPhone" (a line from L'esercito del Selfie).
If this song is not in a familiar language, don't worry, it's visuals are also selfie explanatory :-)
— by Jamich & Davey Langit
Comment by a viewer:
"The human ambition that allowed us to succeed over all other life forms
will be the same human ambition that causes our extinction."
— Warner Bros. Pictures
Comment by a viewer:
"We should interpret this as similar to when you're on an airline flight, and you notice the flight attendants are starting to panic"
Comment by a viewer:
"So let me get this straight... we have NO idea what AI will do to humanity in the future, and yet we are racing forward to make it... has anyone thought about feedback systems where the AI would feel guilt or anguish over immoral actions? Because as I see it, we are making AI to be psychopaths."
— by Project Nightfall
— by KARE 11 News / NBC
Comment by a viewer:
"I really believe that if an AI overtook the world, it would be because a human arranged for it to do so. Evil is always within the heart of man, not within computer processing." — New sites under development:
Technology's future (a future website by
An overview from the humanity perspective, how technology
in general has, and will continue to change lives in subtle ways, incrementally gaining control of our identity & whom we are.
AI's future (a future website by
Artificial influence in politics and war / bias surveillance in algorithms and the slow removal of individual privacy / full autonomous weaponry & it's loss of human oversight, ethics.
“This was your World — once we started thinking for you, this became our World” (a quote by AI)
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