Proverb and will be joining the Good Energy Life family. Each having an authentic online presence, promoting the World kindness vision. Details of both provided below.
Much work needs to be done before their launch, including learning new programming and software skills necessary to create advanced design elements. Therefore, it may be awhile before they're ready to view. For now, please enjoy some of the supplementary videos added to this page.
Questions? Want to get involved? (click below)
To listen, click 'Listen in browser' on phones or play arrow on computers
Our music is streamed via SoundCloud, which has their own Privacy and Cookie Policies viewable here. will be submitted videos of kindness, compassion, and mercy, Acts of human gentleness displayed in a transparent way to encourage a more beautiful World. So many amazing acts of beauty and gentleness, organized in an interactive online display. Free for all to enjoy., so please submit videos which has touched your heart, so we may share. Thank you!* will be a presentation of real-World people, animals, and nature displaying their raw beauty. User-submitted images of natural moments in time which touch their souls. We'd love to share pics of inner beauty / acts of love, that has been captured. Not always easy to do, so we'd love your help by sharing personal story pics. A single picture can tell an entire story.*
If you would like to be informed when the above new sites are viewable, please click HERE to send us your contact request. Thank you and take care,
— by Life Of Riza (6min)
— by Life Of Riza
— by Life Of Riza
— The mystic misfits
— by Xu T T Nguyen
— Music by Takagi & Ketra
— Music by Masaka Kids Afrikana
— by Alessia Cara / presented by Lost Panda
— Music by Gotye, live on KCRW
— Music by Mumford & Sons
— Music by Avicii
— Netflix documentary (the entire film)
A line from the The Last Samurai movie:
“The perfect blossom (Japanese Cherry Blossom) is a rare thing.
You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life."
What is deeply moving about this quote, is in the end
when Katsumoto is just about to die, he figures it out:
"Perfect... They are all... Perfect"
All his life he thought the perfect blossom was so rare, that it was almost unreal, impossible. But in reality, everything resides in the
way you look at things, your perspective. In the end, when he was
filled with life during his last few breaths, he simply realized;
the beauty of life, the perfection of it in every imperfection.
— Music composed by Hans Zimmer
for The Last Samurai movie
— by Telos
— Hollow Talk by Choir of Young Believers
— instrumental by Gabriel Albuquerque Music
— instrumental by normal the kid
For those seeking everlasting inner peace and a strong foundation for meaningful relationships, the 2 books shown may resonate with you. If possible, it's recommended to read The Power Of Now before A New Earth, as the latter assumes some previous knowledge obtained from The Power Of Now.
To crudely summarize the books; they're guides to letting go of the mind's clutter/ noise, so clarity / peace can reside. What evolves is depth, empathy & selfless wisdom — the foundation for pure, joyful, gentle, meaningful living.
The eternal process presented slows-down today's fast-paced World, allowing self and interpersonal connections to blossom in pureness.
— Oprah's Book Club with Eckhart Tolle
In addition to the videos presented thus far on, we have a dedicated just for fun video page. Click below for smiles and laughter :-)
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