The energy within us all, that provides the strength to achieve what was thought impossible, is intricately connected with the future. Some refer to it as spiritual, some electric frequency energy, some quantum physics based.. However you wish to understand the unseen energy force within us, it is very real.
When used for selfish purposes, the force turns dark (we've all seen Star Wars!). However, the majority of us wish to use our unseen energy gifts for good, and also have a positive impact on the World. The only limitations we have once synergizing ourselves with this Universal force, is our faith and imagination in it's capabilities.
The most powerful of these forces is love. It transcends time, the current known, and is what we all deep down yearn for — eternal love. Strive to inspire. Be the YOU the universe intended to be. Don't settle for anything less than the greatest version of you. Then, unconsciously, you will indirectly inspire others without even trying. Strive to inspire by being you — the real you. Others will sense your inner peace, inner strength, and wish to connect and learn more. If you are interested in reading further, please visit our 'What's next' page link below (for our eternal thoughts on life).
No need to raise a voice to inspire. No need to get all flashy and dramatic to inspire. Life's journey is not a political campaign — just be you and peaceful from within. Others will feel comfortable in the presence of your gentleness / humility, so automatically get inspired, and challenged to be the best version of themselves. No need to inspire through trying — just be you.
This way of being is also a beautiful way to align with an intimate partner.. For more on this, please visit Utopian intimacy below.
Ever lost your feeling of peace / feeling of comfort / feeling of emotional stability, within your World? We all have.
To maintain consistency and avoid the ups-and-downs associated with loosing peace, we can embrace balance. We're all synergized with the Universe, so when we step out of it's plan to make us the best version of ourselves, our lives become unbalanced.
Slowdown, still yourself, and hear what needs to be done to re-synergize again with the higher-force. Often the answer is; nothing needs to be done, rather just remove unnecessary / bad life influences, to embrace peace and stillness (the necessary state of being, for the Universe's gentle voice to be heard).
We've been programmed to measure achievement / success, by what we accomplish in the World. This is wrong, and has put much unnecessary stress on many. We're taught to value ourselves by what we can produce. This pressure to 'succeed' causes us to suppress our imperfections, rather than embrace our individuality. Voluntarily succumbing to the bondage of financial debt for a speedy higher education, rather than educating at a gentle pace, creates an unnatural learning pace. Whether it's high school grades, or higher-level job positions being lost to other's doing it 'better', we're left with the perception of failure. This is NOT failure, rather a bad teaching system, not designed to accommodate individuality and unique skills and talents.
We loose our peace and ability to be honest and vulnerable about challenges when we are trying so hard just to 'fit in'. Follow your own path and know that the greatest achievement of all is becoming the person you feel comfortable with. Allow deep inner character work to be done, so you become the YOU the Universe foretold. Achievement doesn't define you — the character building choices you make do.
Love, compassion, mercy, kindness, empathy... Go be you :-)
If you've already seen this classic true-story movie, you will be immediately inspired hearing it's theme again. Close your eyes & travel back in time...
On Wings of Eagles is the unofficial sequel to Chariots Of Fire, continuing the true
story of Eric Henry Liddell, when working his later life as a missionary in China.
Expanded content on this subject coming soon.
— by Irene Cara
Video coming soon
We've been programmed to measure achievement / success, by what we accomplish in the World. This is wrong, and has put much unnecessary stress on many. We're taught to value ourselves by what we can produce. This pressure to 'succeed' causes us to suppress our imperfections, rather than embrace our individuality. Voluntarily succumbing to the bondage of financial debt for a speedy higher education, rather than educating at a gentle pace, creates an unnatural learning pace. Whether it's high school grades, or higher-level job positions being lost to other's doing it 'better', we're left with the perception of failure. This is NOT failure, rather a bad teaching system, not designed to accommodate individuality and unique skills and talents.
We loose our peace and ability to be honest and vulnerable about challenges when we are trying so hard just to 'fit in'. Follow your own path and know that the greatest achievement of all is becoming the person you feel comfortable with. Allow deep inner character work to be done, so you become the YOU the Universe foretold. Achievement doesn't define you — the character building choices you make do.
Love, compassion, mercy, kindness, empathy... Go be you :-)
Live like a child — free within, transparent, honest and openly joyful. Life is their playground... the Universe is yours. Appreciate and enjoy it.
With careful planning and determination, we can do just about anything we inspire to. However, there will always be experiences beyond our reach (perhaps an astronaut). It's not that we couldn't have been an astronaut, if we'd planned years ago with specific schooling / training etc. It just wasn't our specific goal or purpose. The wonderful thing about experiences not lived, is we can do them vicariously through others. We shouldn't be jealous, rather grateful for their hard work to obtain an adventure we may not have access to. With today's enhanced media, we almost feel like we're there with them. Enjoy corners of the World you may not otherwise have seen... perhaps the Antarctica or a cave deep below the ocean? What would you like to experience? would love to share amazing your experiences in the upcoming sister sites; and If you have adventures recorded, which other's may enjoy vicariously, please submit below. Thank you!
Yep, good news — me time is super healthy, and imperative for personal growth (this isn't a new revelation, rather a gentle reminder it's OK to enjoy some alone time). It's a time of calmness, a time to reflect, and a time to re-energize. You will be refreshed, clear-minded, and ready to tackle life's challenges. It works best when you turn-off the phone and go off-line. The World will keep spinning :-)
Rocky Balboa (2006) — inspirational speech
As Sylvester Stallone said in the movie clip we've shared above; "The World ain't all sunshine and rainbows". Dark, cloudy, rainy days do come, but they also pass. Carry your positivity with you through the cloudy days — carry your bright yellow umbrella of hope. Because one day soon, the sun will shine again, and you will be able to use the bright yellow umbrella for shade. Ups and downs are all part of life.
The releasing of stress naturally occurs to those who release their inner child. Be grownup in decision making but be child-like in your love of life.
Click below to view our new health food hub, getting ready to inspire goodness from within. We welcome all natural health food recipe submissions via our contact page.*
"Be the person who encourages others, who chooses to see the good in the World and speak it out loud. Be frequent in your praise and thoughtful in your criticism."
— Film by Fearless Soul
When you decide how you want to feel, you decide what people see on your face. When authentic, they will see the real you. The real you has unlimited potential — when you decide what you feel.
— Video from SHOWTIME's Billions (scene from S06-E12)
Regardless of the size park or nature spot visited, a little ZEN or workout time, changes a mood into one of life. Breathe-in & enjoy :-)
Dance like nobody's watching :-)
— by Kulturecity
Energizing duet... wonderful fun if you don't take the lyrics too seriously, rather embrace the joyous vibe the talented duet share with us.
— by Life Of Riza
— by Anna Akana
— by Anna Akana
— by Anna Akana will be expanding it's media content through 3 new exciting sister websites. Please click below for more info.
To listen, click 'Listen in browser' on phones or play arrow on computers
Our music is streamed via SoundCloud, which has their own Privacy and Cookie Policies viewable here.
C.S Lewis
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